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随着3月29日Ivy Day(常春藤日)的发榜,“惊心动魄”的申请季走向尾声。今年常春藤八所盟校的录取率再创新低。例如:哈佛大学录取率首次跌破5%,由去年的5.2%下降到4.59%,普林斯顿由6.1%降到5.5%。而耶鲁即使新建了两所本科学院,录取人数比去年增加了约15%,但录取率却仍然持续走低到6.3%。包括很多中国老牌精英名校的申请者在内,大家都在感叹今年美国名校申请竞争太过惨烈。
2018-04-12清华附中作为世界名中学联盟成员之一,一直把为领袖人才奠基、教育改革创新和承担社会责任作为自己的三大责任。清华附中一直致力于为学生搭建一个健康成长的平台,让学生在强健体魄、开启心智、点燃热情、发展特长的同时, 更具有适应社会和追求幸福的能力,为中国培养既有家国情怀,又有国际视野,能够在未来多元化的国际舞台上为中国发声的人才。
2018-04-11On the afternoon of April 10, the 3rd TUHS International Education Report Meeting was held at Tsinghua University High School (TUHS).
2018-04-11送别了SSA高中的小伙伴,3月26日海淀凯文又迎来了另一所美国中学帕克都铎学校(Park Tudor School,下文简称PT)的同学们,和SSA的同学一样,他们也和影子伙伴、寄宿家庭一起,过了难忘的两周生活体验。
2018-04-06On March 26th, Kaiwen Academy (KWA) greeted exchange students from Park Tudor School (PT), after saying goodbye to SSA high school students. Like the SSA students, PT students also spent two unforgettable weeks together with their KWA shadow partners and host families.
2018-04-02At the mention of math, you may think of a teacher creakily writing a computational process on the blackboard with a piece of chalk. But here at Beijing Kaiwen Academy (KWA), math is about students in higher Grades vividly telling math stories to their attentive juniors in lower Grades. You may associate math with boring, monotonous, and abstract computation or exams and competitions that make you feel nervous. But here at KWA, you can learn math by reading interesting math stories, such as “Feast of Spaghetti and Meatballs",“Kingdom with People Who Love Magic”, and “Two Rays Hand in Hand”, with your little partners sitting cozily in twos or threes.
2018-04-022018年3月20日,海淀凯文迎来了今年第一批插班入读的美国中学生——来自桑迪赛德学校(Shady Side Academy ,下文简称SSA)的9名同学。短短一周时间,SSA的同学们不仅体验到了凯文丰富的课程和影子伙伴、寄宿家庭的热情,更透过凯文学校的窗户,感受到不一样的中国。
2018-03-26On March 20, 2018, nine students from the U.S. Shady Side Academy (SSA), the first batch of this year, came to study at Beijing Kaiwen Academy (KWA). After one short week at KWA, SSA students had experienced the school’s rich courses, friendly classmates, the hospitality of the host families, and a different China.