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The last month of 2018 proved to be a harvest season for Kaiwen Academy
2018-12-22On the night of December 20, after more than three months of rehearsals, the Musical Club unveiled its first play Hairspray. The little performers forgot themselves in singing and dancing on stage, presented their own version of the Broadway classic, and impressed the audience with their upbeat spirit and confidence in chasing dreams.
2018-12-222018年12月15-16日,在2019赛季美国STEM大联盟中国赛中,海淀凯文的两支代表队在和来自北京汇文中学、上海中学国际部、南京第一中学、华南师范大学附属中学、长沙玮希国际学校等15所学校的30 支车队的较量中脱颖而出,取得团队总分奖的第三名、车队形象展示演讲的第一名、弯道圈速挑战的第二名、耐力比拼挑战的第二名,另外北京海淀凯文学?;谷倩馪BL教学法先锋学校
2018-12-20经过两个月的排练,12月20日,由音乐剧社的同学们主演的百老汇经典音乐剧《发胶明星梦》(Hairspray)即将在学校隆重上演! 报名链接:https://jinshuju.net/f/sSxnOZ
2018-12-18上周末,海淀凯文中学数学组好消息不断传来。不仅同学们在上海举办的美国STEM大联盟杯2019赛季中国站NSL全速智能车比赛中取得优异成绩,中学数学组组长Stephen Pattenden老师也被评为“2018年度海淀区优秀外籍教师”。
2018-12-18The last weekend brought much good news about the KWA secondary school math teaching group. For one thing, the KWA team did a brilliant job at the 2019 NSL China Full-Speed Smart Car Race; for another, Mr. Stephen Pattenden, lead teacher of the secondary school math teaching group, was awarded the certificate of the “2018 Excellent International Teacher Award” by Haidian District.
2018-12-18优秀的师生成就一场完美的音乐会; 家长的信任更给予我们莫大的鼓励; 这个冬天,海淀凯文用音乐温暖你我。
2018-12-14如何让学生更好地品鉴一部作品的文学性、艺术性、语言性与思想性? ELA老师Richard和ESL老师Sandra在学期末做了一次尝试,把马克·吐温的经典作品《王子与贫儿》搬上舞台,让六年级的同学们在角色扮演中体验英语学习的乐趣。